Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Muslims. Show all posts

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Muslim activist Mal Mac Rae on Fred Nile's Christian Democratic Party :

'....the vilification of the Islamic community in the party continues behind closed doors.''

And the vilification continues in abusive emails to Rae from a CDP campaign manager's son :

''stupid moslem c---''

''muslim scum are too busy stacking ALP branches and raping Aussie chicks''.

'(Muslims) 'who habitually engage in child molestation, incest, pack rape … obey the laws of this country or f--- off to Afghanistan where Australians are allowed to shoot you people''.

He sounds like an Andrew Bolt disciple.

Fred Nile and the notorious NSW Liberal MP David Clarke are teaming up for a conference. The theme?

''Australia's Future and Global Jihad''

That should be a laugh.

Read The Full Story Here


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Finding An International Audience Via Denial

In Britain, The "Not The Nazis" Party Call For White Riots Against "Ethnic Classes"

By Darryl Mason

A recent piece from the Herald Sun's resident conspiracy theorist, Andrew Bolt, gets picked up by Alex Jones' Prison Planet website, which often details for its massive readership a perceived American reality where President Obama is destroying the American Republic for the New World Order, where swine flu vaccinations are part of a depopulation program and where 9/11 Truth is gospel :

Andrew Bolt :
Robert Manne, a Jewish academic, wants to use the Holocaust dead to smear sceptics who dare see evidence that man may not be heating the world disastrously
Some of the comments feserted up by Bolt's story on Jewish academic Robert Manne :
"A ‘carbon tax’ is just a transfer of wealth from white people to non-white."

"Look up the word “holocaust” in a good pre-1970 dictionary – It means; “a burnt offering wholly burnt by fire”. Think about that!! A burn offering to whom? Hitler? God? Rothschild’s NWO? I deny man made global warming and “burnt offerings” to the NWO."

"Any intelligent person who has studied Global Warming and the Holocaust knows they are BOTH BULLSHIT. Both are JEWISH PROPAGANDA used to set the stage for the NWO and Global Marxism. Holocaust is 100% COMMUNIST/MARXIST JEW BULLSHIT. 9/11 is ZIONIST/MARXIST JEW BULLSHIT


NWO = Jew Communism/Marxism + Jew Central Banking + Jew Mass Media

Murder has no Statute of Limitations. DEATH TO THEM AND THEIR ACCOMPLICES."

"Holocaust is just another Jew invented CONSPIRACY THEORY to blame innocent Germans, just like 9/11 is a CONSPIRACY THEORY to blame innocent Arabs. BOTH violate basic science."

"Another Jewish “Laureate” running off with the mouth reinforcing the myth of the Holocaust or, as we call it, The “Hoaxacaust”. The lies have become so intertwined with bullshit that the truth is long gone. We can only know one thing about these enemies of mankind. “How can you tell when an Zionist is lying? His lips are moving.”
"....after Jewbags unleashed their own treachery, I don’t even feel bad for holocaust victims. Hitler was right. Imagine no Israel…. Beautiful world."

Andrew Bolt has developed an interest in British National Party leader, Nick Griffin :
"...the BNP politicians, although unpleasant, are not the Nazis"
Nick Griffin of the "Not The Nazis" Party :
“I am well aware that the orthodox opinion is that six million Jews were gassed and cremated and turned into lampshades. Orthodox opinion also once held that the world is flat.”
A Bolt reader, at the Herald Sun, inspired by the 'Keep Britain White' mantras of Nick Griffin, unfurls a Griffin-minded conspiracy theory transplanted to Australia :

Australia will go the same way (as England) unless we elect some leaders now who are willing to make some decisions unpopular with the left and the politically correct.

Unless we make what for some are tough decisions now - ending Muslim immigration for one - we’ll end up having to make much more difficult choices later.

In 10-20 years we’ll be in the same awful situation the British find themselves now, more and more intimidated by a huge, angry, threatening minority of Muslims who demand and receive more special concessions every year. Unless we act now to stop it.

If we don’t then we’ll eventually have our own version of the BNP in power and probably some kind of civil war.

Of course it’s almost impossible to imagine the Rudds, Turnbulls, the Hockeys and the Swans of our political class being prepared to do something even a bit controversial now to save possible bloodshed or Islamification of Australia later.

They would laugh airily and tell us not to be so alarmist, while continuing to bring in a growing stream of Muslim immigrants who see Australia as a new land to add to the Dar al Islam.

The politicians will continue to indignantly demmand that we stop asking them to discriminate right up to the day the islamofascists saw off their heads.
Muslims make up less than 2% of the Australian population.

UPDATE : The BNP's legal officer Lee Barnes thinks Nick Griffin is far too moderate, and mainstream, and announces violence is essential in their quest for more intolerance :

Barnes complained on his personal website that Griffin "should have stood up to these whining, middle-class hypocrites that use the race card for self-enrichment – and thrown the truth right back into their fat, sanctimonious, hypocritical, self-serving faces".

"...perhaps there needs to be a few 'white riots' around the country a la the Brixton riots of the 1980s before the idiot white liberal middle class and their ethnic middle-class fellow travellers wake up".

More calls for low-level civil war.

Which is, of course, exactly the kind of activity the upper class elites that nationalists used to fight against want the working classes and middle glasses to all get caught up in.

The ultra-wealthy, that is those with the most to lose, have always preferred the rest to squabble and fight amongst themselves. Over scraps.

The Lee Barnes and Andrew Bolts of politics and the mainstream media fan the embers of discontent into fireballs.

UPDATE : On October 27, Andrew Bolt appears to have a felt pressing need to make this statement on this blog :
Those who are enemies of Jews today are also the foes of Western civilisation.
Maybe he's just softening his readers up for a War On Iran.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Miranda Devine Backs Illegal Immigrants....Well, Christian Ones

Miranda Devine points out that Australia is quickly running out of beds for asylum seekers, fleeing war and rape and persecution in Sri Lanka, Iraq and Afghanistan, but asks how about it? for a couple of thousand more :

If Rudd really wanted to show compassion he would back the audacious plan of the Christian Democrat Fred Nile and go into the people smuggling business.

Hosting a meeting yesterday at NSW Parliament House for Christians from Egypt, Iran and Iraq, the upper house MP said he was worried about the plight of Christians in the Middle East, who were desperate to come here and make good migrants. In Iraq, says the Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need, there are only 400,000 Christians left, down from 1.4 million in 1987.

Devine doesn't point out, of course, that the vast majority of the one million Christian who've fled Iraq in the past two decades did so after the start of the War On Iraq, a war Devine so miserably backed, and promoted.

Australia has a special responsibility for the Iraqi people, and from a self-interested viewpoint, Christians are likely to settle more easily into a Christian country than Muslims.

Yes, it's true, young Muslims, particularly the males, hate all the things that many Australians love, like rugby league and fast food and loud cars.

And Devine is right, Australia must be a Christian nation. After all, we're currently fighting in two wars.

"It's a desperate situation," said Nile. "They're being told 'convert or die'."

They are in Iraq, in particular, thanks to the War. Devine :

Seeing how free and easy the Government has become with boat people, Nile has hatched a plan to bring a boat of 2000 Christian asylum seekers from Indonesia to Australia. He wants donations and he dares the Government to stop him.

So basically, war-shattered Christians? Come on in. War-shattered Muslims? Eh.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"Australia Doesn't Owe Us Anything, We Owe Australia"

Legendary mobile phone entrepreneur John Ilhan died yesterday, at only 42. He allegedly suffered a heart attack during a fitness walk, close to his home. Ilhan came to Australia when he was three years old, immigrating from Turkey with his parents. In less than 16 years, he turned a small mobile phone shop into a nationwide chain, he gave generously to charity, and tried to forge a new path for Australian Muslims, with noticeable success.

Here's some highlights from an inspiring piece he wrote earlier this year to mark Australia Day:
Australia has given me everything.

I met an Australian girl from Hawthorn who became my wife and now we are a loving family of six following the recent proud birth of our son.

No matter what our background, we are Australians.

The loyalty first and foremost to Australia should also be remembered by some religious leaders, including some radical Muslim leaders in Australia, who pretend to speak for the faith, but instead promote intolerance and hatred.

These, thankfully, are in the minority, but they should respect Australian laws and not preach division and fear.

If they cannot respect Australian law then they should have their citizenship revoked or not be allowed back in the country if they are living overseas.

My Muslim faith qualifies me to strongly denounce any racist and inflammatory comments made by any Muslim leaders because they perpetuate a stereotype that is unhelpful and dangerous.

I am the proud son of Turkish parents.

Most people came to this country to build a better life. They should be thankful and grateful to be here. Therefore, immigrants must learn the Australian way of life, culture and learn the English language.

I would die for this country. I love Australia for what it stands for. It embraces opportunity, inclusion and, most important of all, mateship.

What Australia taught me is that if you give something - like the hand of friendship or provide a service that fulfils a need - you will be repaid many times.

They say that America is the "land of opportunity", but I say Australia is.

Australia doesn't owe us anything. We owe Australia.